Detail View Client-side Events
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/Detail View/Client-side Events/index.xml
These are the Client-side events used with the UX component's List control's Detail View.
UX Component Client-Side API
Properties and methods availble for interacting with components and controls in a UX Component
Client-side Data Cache Editor
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Menu/Client-side Data Cache Editor/index.xml
Download and store data - files, images, data from a SQL database, etc - locally on the client using the Client-side Data Cache. Data stored on the client can be referenced locally using JavaScript and is available offline in mobile applications.
Client-Side Events
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Code/Javascript In UX Components/Client Side Javascript in UX Components/clientSideEvents.xml
The UX Component has a number of javascript events you can hook into to do extra processing, such as caching data or validating a control.
TabbedUI Client-side Event: afterLogout
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Client-Side Events/afterLogout.xml
Fires after the callback that occurs when a user logs out fo the application has completed.
TabbedUI Client-side Event: beforeLogin
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Client-Side Events/beforeLogin.xml
Fires before the callback that occurs when the user clicks the 'Login' button after filling in their credentials.
How to Apply Security Settings Client-Side
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Security/Client Side Security.xml
Security settings can be applied client-side to dynamically display controls in an application, such as in Cordova applications.
List Control Client-side Events
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/List Events/index.xml

Client-side events for the List can be utilized to perform additional tasks when an event, such as clicking a list row or creating a new record, occurs.

TabbedUI Client-side Event: canLogout
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Client-Side Events/canLogout.xml
Fires before the callback that occurs when a user tries to log out of the application. Return false to cancel the logout.
TabbedUI Client-side Event: afterAjaxCallbackComplete
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Client-Side Events/afterAjaxCallbackComplete.xml
Fires after an Ajax callback has completed.